The 6 F's to Master and Take Control of Your Life

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People always want to improve themselves, their lives, and their wellbeing. However, many of us are overwhelmed on where to start and where to focus our efforts. These 6 areas - the 6 F’s - of life provide a roadmap for categorizing your goals and taking action.

Faith (Spirituality)

To grow on the outside, we first need to start with the inside. Spiritual connection looks different for everyone, and it’s important that you find something that works for you. Whether you participate in an organized religion, practice meditation, or follow astrology, finding a sense of stillness in the chaos of your life is essential to your long-term success and personal balance. This can include things like praying, meditating, doing yoga, joining spiritual groups, connecting with nature, journaling, serving others, collecting healing crystals, doing guided readings, and more. Find something that allows you to slow down, connect with the universe, and get in touch with your inner self. With that self-confidence, you can take on your life in a stronger, calmer, and more focused mindset.


To take on your life’s mission, you need to have people around you that support you. Whether it’s immediate family, extended relatives, or close friends, you need to have loved ones that will push you through your obstacles and celebrate your successes.

Each day, find at least one hour to concentrate on building a relationship with your loved ones. Turn off your phones and spend quality time together. Go for a walk, catch up over dinner, get your nails done, watch a game, or even work out together! Find something you both enjoy doing that allows you to talk and get closer to one another. You’ll feel ready to attack life feeling refreshed and supported.


No matter the level of intensity, it is essential to your mental and physical health to be active for at least 15 minutes a day. If one of your main goals is to bulk up and lift heavy, then get in the gym and push yourself! However, if you just want to get your body moving and clear your head, there are plenty of ways to start getting active. Below are some activities that you can do at varying intensities.

Intensity-Adjustable Workouts

  • Outdoor walks/runs
  • Yoga
  • Circuits
  • Bodyweight/Lifting exercises
  • Team or Individual Sports

Along with your exercising, you need to master your eating habits. One of the best ways to consistently eat well is meal prepping. At the beginning of the week, make a large batch of a dish with protein, vegetables, and carbs that suit your fitness goals. Divide them up into single-serving containers, then pull them out of the fridge when it's time to eat! This is also a great option to avoid excess spending on takeout.


Mastering your personal finances - no matter the size of your income or portfolio - is essential for long-term success (and for SMART short-term gratification)! Financial independence opens all kinds of doors for you, and it may not be as far as you think. If you’re early in your financial journey, start simple - set aside 5-10% of your paycheck in a savings account, and make sure you’re investing in your retirement account (and make sure you’re familiar with your employer’s contributions)! If you’re ready to invest (or already investing), seek out expert advice on how you can diversify your portfolio and balance your risk and return in a way that’s appropriate for your financial status and goals.

Ignite Coaching is pleased to offer financial consulting at all levels. If you’re interested in getting started, click here.


As children, we don’t need to make a conscious effort to enjoy ourselves. However, as we get older, it becomes harder to remember to have fun. What’s the use of putting so much time and effort into personal and professional development if you’re not enjoying your life? Relish in your journey at work. Laugh with your family. Appreciate the small moments in your life when you experience JOY, whether it’s listening to your favorite song or lighting a candle at the end of the day. Go out with friends, see that movie, go on a date. Try that new restaurant, play a board game, draw, or paint. Ask your coworkers about their lives, their families, and what they do outside of work. Prioritize having fun and bringing that fun to everyone around you.


As you’re learning to master yourself and take control of your life, you need to learn to give back to those around you. Why? 

What does helping other people have to do with mastering YOUR life?

  • Gives you a sense of fulfillment
  • Grows your life’s purpose
  • Amplifies your gratitude
  • Builds social connections
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves your reputation
  • Lengthens your life
  • Changes the world for the better

Finding fulfillment in service to others will give you a chance to see the type of impact that you can have on this world from a new perspective. This sense of purpose will leave you more motivated to take on all aspects of your life.

A Starting Point

To really take ownership and live the life you want to live, you need to start by mastering these 6 areas - the 6 F’s - of personal growth. By constantly growing your inner faith, relationships with family, fitness, finance, fun, and sense of fulfillment, you will find yourself on track to improving all facets of your life.

If you want to start improving in these areas now, and if you want to join a community of others on the same path, click here.

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